Projects and cooperation
Teachers and associates of the Department are involved in the research of the Ministry of education, science and technological development of the Republic of Serbia (contract for science), as well as international projects (project of bilateral scientific cooperation with the Republic of Germany, project no. 451-02-00127/2020-09/4; ERASMUS+ K2 cooperation between University of Belgrade, University in Maribor, Slovenia and AGH University for sciences and technology in Cracow, Poland, project no. 2020-1-RS01-KA226-HE-094538).
Detailed information on the research group's ID card is available.
Teachers and associates of the Department achieve successful cooperation through scientific work with a significant number of scientific research institutions and faculties, both in the country and abroad, the most important of which are Medical, Chemical, Technological-Metallurgical, Mathematical, Faculty of Physical Chemistry at the University of Belgrade, University in Greenwich, Great Britain, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Athens, Greece, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Institute of Pharmacy and Food Chemistry, University of Würzburg, Germany and Medical University of Lublin, Poland.
Teachers and associates of the Department were involved in the project of bilateral scientific cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Slovenia (project no. 022).
By December 31st 2019, teachers and associates of the Department were involved in national projects of basic research in the field of chemistry funded by the Ministry of education, science and technological development of the Republic of Serbia (172052, 172033, 142077, 142071B, 1458).