General information
Chief of the Department: prof. dr Mira Zečević, full professor
The department is engaged in teaching, professional work and scientific research in the field of drug analysis and quality control, as well scientific research in the field of bioanalysis.
The program of theoretical classes and practical training of one mandatory and four elective courses that are realized within integrated academic studies include investigation of the quality of drugs and medical devices according to pharmacopoeial monographs, as well as analytical procedures approved during obtaining a drug license or during a medical device registration. Tests include identification and determination of the content of active substances and excipients, impurities and degradation products in pharmaceutical substances and dosage forms, development, optimization and validation of methods adequate for the defined purpose. The chemometric approach is represented in the optimization and validation of methods.
The Department participates in the realization of all types of postgraduate studies.
The Department has primacy for the narrow scientific field of drug analysis at the University of Belgrade.
The Department organizes and participates in performing the courses of continual education for pharmacists mostly employed in the pharmaceutical industry. Teachers and associates of the Department supervise students' research work and mentor students' final exams.
The Department cooperates intensively with the pharmaceutical industry in terms of development and optimization of drug control methods as well as through work in the Laboratory for drug testing and control. Teachers of the Department are engaged in professional bodies and associations outside the faculty (Ministry of health of the Republic of Serbia, ALIMS, Institute of public health of Serbia Dr Milan Jovanović Batut…).