News and information

Intensive scientific research at the Department of Medical Biochemistry is conducted in several directions. The main intention is to identify and evaluate serum biomarkers of various diseases in adults and children. Researchers are engaged in the investigation of biomarkers of lipid status, redox balance, and endocrine and haematological indicators of multiple pathophysiological conditions and their applicability in everyday clinical and laboratory practice. They are engaged in several national and international scientific projects and have published numerous scientific papers and presentations.


In 1987, the Faculty of Pharmacy signed the "Agreement on the regulation of a single employment relationship and the basics of cooperation in education and research" with the Clinical Center of Serbia. According to the agreement, the Center for Medical Biochemistry of the Clinical Center of Serbia is a teaching base of the Faculty of Pharmacy for healthcare, education and scientific research. For more than thirty years, practical classes for many IAS Pharmacy - Medical Biochemistry courses have been conducted at the Clinical Center of Serbia.


With an aim to further improve proffessional activities and liaisons with healthcare proffessionals, the Center for Laboratory Medicine was established in 2014 and Laboratory for Medical Biochemical Analysis (LMBA) in 2016. According to the approval of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, LBMA can perform specific healthcare activities. Part of practical classes at IAS Pharmacy - Medical Biochemistry and part of the internship within the specialization in Medical Biochemistry are conducted at LBMA. In this laboratory, students of DAS actively work on their PhD theses.


The teaching staff at the Department of Medical Biochemistry is dedicated to improving extracurricular cooperation with students and their associations and organizations. Teachers and associates participate as mentors in the realization of student research papers and participate in scientific and professional gatherings organized by the students. Also, they actively participate in continuing education courses and seminars for health professionals. They take part in activities of international (European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine - EFLM and national (Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia - DMBS, Biochemical Society of Serbia - BDS http: //, Serbian Society for Mitochondrial and Free Radical Physiology - SDMSRF professional and scientific associations.