Courses at the Department of Botany include:
- Courses of Integrated Academic Studies (study program Pharmacy accredited in 2019):
Code |
Course |
Semester |
Type |
Status |
Classes |
Study program |
F2O8 |
Botany |
IV |
ТМ |
О |
45+45 |
7 |
MF |
Medicinal plants and the environment |
VI |
TM |
IB |
30+15 |
3 |
MF |
Type of course: TM - theoretical-methodological, Status: O – mandatory, IB – elective. Study program: MF – Master of Pharmacy.
Courses of Doctoral academic studies:
- Pharmacognosy (Selected chapters of botany and ecology)
Teachers and associates provided teaching literature for theoretical and practical teaching (textbooks, practicums and script) and thus enabled students to study with top quality and highly efficiently. They participate in mentoring of graduation theses, as well as students scientific research work.