BPSA (Belgrade Pharmacy Students’ Association)
BPSA (Belgrade Pharmacy Students’ Association)
The student organisation of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Belgrade Pharmacy Students` Association (BPSA), was established on 13 November 1998 as a non-governmental, non-profit and non-political organisation of pharmacy students with their registered head office at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade.
BPSA is the founder and full-fledged member of NAPSer (National Association of Pharmacy Students – Serbia) and also a full-fledged member of the IPSF (International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation) and EPSA (European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association).
BPSA is the founder and full-fledged member of the Centre for International Student Cooperation – CMSS, with the primary objective of improving international cooperation of the University of Belgrade student. In addition, it delegates its representatives into the General meeting of the Healthcare and Support Association of Students of Belgrade and is actively involved in implementing the projects of this organisation. BPSA is proud of its long-standing successful cooperation with the University of Belgrade Faculty of Pharmacy, Republic of Serbia Ministry of Health, Institute of Public Health of Serbia, National Blood Transfusion Institute, National Tobacco Control Office, Health Care and Support Association of Students of Belgrade , International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations – Serbia (IFMSA), Pharmaceutical Association of Serbia, Serbian Chamber of Pharmacists, Centre for continuing education of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade, as well as with other student organisations at the Faculty of Pharmacy.
BPSA objectives are:
- Contacts with organisations of pharmacy students from all over the world – worldwide international cooperation (IPSF Student Exchange Program - SEP), Jelena Stamenković, Local Exchange Officer (LEO) of IPSF student exchange program, e-mail: jelena.stamenkovic@bpsa-serbia.org and European international cooperation (EPSA projects, TWIN student exchange, IMP student exchange) – Branko Obradović, EPSA Local Mobility Officer (LMO), e-mail: branko.obradovic@bpsa-serbia.org
- Contacts and cooperation at the scientific, educational and culturulogical levels with relevant institutions, organisations and individuals in Serbia and all over the world; promoting debates and exchange of ideas between pharmacy students nationally; organising the National Congress of Pharmacy Students;
- Providing logistical and all other support to local organisations in organising seminars, symposia, campaigns and other projects at the local and national levels; public health – education of all groups of young people about different, primarily sexually transmitted diseases, as well as addictive diseases, organising campaigns for voluntary blood donations under arrangements with the National Blood Transfusion Institute, organising fund raising and aid collecting campaigns for children without parental care, and similar activities – Public Health Officer Vida Savić, e-mail: vida.savic@bpsa-serbia.org
- Evaluating pharmaceutical curriculum – quality assessment for studies of pharmacy students, EFC Officer Sonja Poček, e-mail: sonja.pocek@bpsa-serbia.org
- Organising project “Advising Patients” that aims to better acquaint pharmacy students with the skill of advising patients – Project Coordinator Sofija Pendić, e-mail: sofija.pendic@bpsa-serbia.org
- Organising Pharmacotherapy Approach, a joint project of medical and pharmacy students, launched in order to highlight the necessity of team work between physicians and pharmacists in order to treat patients better and in a more comprehensive manner – Pharmacotherapy Approach Project Coordinator Ljubica Ljubisavljević, e-mail: ljubica.ljubisavljevic@bpsa-serbia.org
- Medical biochemists team, the most recent BPSA “project”, will deal primarily with topics of interest for students majoring in medical biochemistry. Coordinator Ivana Ilić, e-mail: ivana.ilic@bpsa-serbia.org
- Preparing publications and designing promotional materials in cooperation with relevant officers and coordinators – designer Milica Marković, e-mail: milica.markovic@bpsa-serbia.org